Beyonce's Latest Blue Ivy Pic Is Genius (PHOTOS)
Not sure how many of you follow Beyonce's every move as closely as I do, but I've noticed that the majority of Blue Ivy pics Mama Bey has posted to her Tumblr and Instagram accounts are really creative in the sense that we rarely get an actual glimpse of her child.
For moms who feel slightly uneasy about posting photos of their kid online (hi), this is genius.
I love looking at photos of other people's kids online. I'm no longer on Facebook, but seeing pics of my friends', family members', and colleagues' kids is truly the thing I miss most. However, that's not how I roll. It isn't that I think something dire is going to happen from havingcute pics of my toddler on the Internet, I'm just more private than others, I suppose. (I do have an Instagram account, but it's private.)
That said, sometimes I take what I think is a super cute pic of my daughter and I want to share it with the world! Sometimes I have the perfect pic of my child to go with a post, but, I don't know, I just feel sort of weird using it. (I have posted photos of her to this site before, but sparingly.) What's a proud mama to do? Go Beyonce on everyone's ass, I guess.
No, Beyonce didn't invent the "creative kid photo," but A) it's fun to give her credit for everything in this world (she invented Penicillin, you know), and B) she really has perfected the art. Take this other sweet pic of Blue Ivy, for instance. You totally get the overall feeling of the moment (playful, silly, light-hearted), but no toddler face:
Well done, Bey. Also, while it's hard to tire of adorable photos of kids, let's be honest here: How many photos of your kid sitting there smiling can you have? It's nice to have a collection that's varied and creative.
So, for any parent out there who isn't a gigantic fan of posting pics of their kids on the Internet, I encourage you to peruse Beyonce's Tumblr and Instagram accounts. And, finally, here's a pic of my daughter. Because why not?
How do you feel about posting photos of your kids online?