Saturday, 28 May 2011

word to inspire you

To laugh is to risk appearing a fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out for another is to risk involvement. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas, your dreams before the crowd is to risk their loss. To love is to risk not being loved in return. To live is to risk dying. To hope is to risk despair. To try is to risk failure. But the risk must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing. He/She may avoid suffering and sorrow, but she/he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live. Chained by his/her certitudes, she/he is a slave, he/she has forfeited her/his freedom. Only a person who risks.

Friday, 27 May 2011

why we should educate people

According to the American Heritage dictionary, an addict is one who, “is caused to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit forming substance.”  They are different kinds of addictions that are harmless and dangerous.  There is also different ways addictions can affect people.  There are different kinds of dangerous addictions such as alcoholism, gambling and drug use.  Within the range of types of addiction, society should put more effort into educating people about the dangers of harmful addictions such as alcoholism, gambling and drug use.

An online source Advice States: “Addiction is a state of mind that makes you believe that you need something to survive.”  They also believe “people use addictions as a cover for some other problems or challenge they cant deal with.”  Maybe the people who have addictions don’t know they have an addiction.  Maybe they feel that if makes them feel better.  That they need it to get through the day.  People who have a strong addiction they don’t known how to deal with or where to go or who to turn to.  Therefore, society should put more effort into educating people about the dangers of addictions.  

One type of addiction is alcoholism.  According to Stanton Peele Adiction Website there are “9 or 10 million problem drinkers and about 5 million alcoholics which attributed to 19,171 deaths in 1999.” In the past when alcohol was a problem the government  put the prohibition law into effect. Today, “scientific research shows that alcoholism is an inbred trait.”  Which means that instead of being a social problem it’s an in..

Monday, 23 May 2011

word of encourage

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Inspiration word of wisdom

Today is the day I will change my mind,
and leave all the negative things behind.
Today is the day I want to be free,
and not let life troubles get to me.

Today is the day I will do my best,
and make sure I focus to past each day's test.
Today is the day I will take a stand,
and choose to do right to my fellow man.

Today is the day I will put my foot down,
and encourage myself when I feel I want to frown.
Today is the day, no longer will I doubt
in spite of the grumblers who stand about.

You look at me and ask "How will you start?",
"Well, first there must be a change in my heart".
I will hang with new friends who want to achieve,
and who want a good education cause that's what I believe.

I will respect those around me, young and old,
for respect is the key, that's what I've been told.
I will demand excellence you see,
for I must insist to become a better me.

I will reach for the stars no matter how hard it seems,
and fly like a bird with the knowledge this journey brings.
So you see it's not impossible, I must take life day by day
and do the right things as I travel along the way!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

The principle of making money.

To my own understanding i believe the best way to succed in life is been an enterpreneur, But there are many way of making money in setting of a business,  And for an enterpreneur to make money or get is goals or archieve great in his or her business is by planing, organising, controling, By that way all what you need is just to look for capital to start business and the business you are going to, the environment to locate the business for the purpose or archieving your goals profitable.

Friday, 13 May 2011

type of books that increase intelligent,

We read for information, with the hope that information we acquire will improve our minds, giving us the means to improve our lives. In the modern Age of Information, more reading material is available than ever, making it increasingly difficult to allocate our reading time efficiently.All books are not created equal, and it follows that all readers are not equal either. To read prodigiously and to read profitably are two very different things. A great amount of time is wasted reading books that are forgotten a short time after they’re completed. But time spent reading books that cultivate intelligence and wisdom is a labor that yields continuous benefit over a lifetime.Although it is certainly necessary, for the purposes of business and everyday life, to read about the latest news and trends, that type of reading is outside the scope of this article. My aim is to encourage the reading of books that permanently increase intelligence and, as a result, improve our chances of leading prosperous and fulfilling lives.1. ScienceScience is not restricted to scientific text books. It includes all books that increase our understanding of the natural world. This includes books on commerce and society, with the unifying theme being the use of evidence to explain events.The great value of these books comes, not from the theories they prove (which will likely be disproved in the future), but from the development of curiosity and the methods of learning. Scientific books teach us how to investigate our intuition and validate it with evidence. They also inspire wonder and respect for the physical world and for our own intellect.2. PhilosophyIn ancient times, science and philosophy grew from the seed of analytical thought. If science teaches us to understand the outside world, philosophy teaches us to understand ourselves. It could very well be called the science of human life.In addition to the classic philosophical works, this category also includes the great religious texts. The Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, etc. are not universaly valuable because of religious dogma, but because of the wisdom and beauty that has inspired billions to live loving, pious lives.It is an unfortunate modern bias that philosophy is considered irrelevant. Although we worship at the shrine of modern technology, this is still a very human world. Philosophy will increase your understanding of human needs and desires, knowledge that is essential for spreading ideas and predicting human behavior.3. Serious FictionI’d like to permanently discredit the belief that fictional works are inferior because they’re only “made up stories”. Only a person totally devoid of imagination could believe that. Great works of fiction contain more truth than any other literary genre because they allow the reader to experience a new reality. Fiction creates experiences that elevate your level of consciousness.Serious fiction also contains a great deal of philosophy, psychology, and history. Truman Capote said that a good novel is worth more than any scientific study. For the purpose of increasing individual human intelligence, I’m inclined to agree.Great fiction is also great language. And as I’ve written before, reading great language is the only way to become a better writer. It will also make you a better thinker, speaker, and conversationalist.4. HistoryHistory feels boring because as children it meant dull text books, memorizing dates, and tedious lectures. And who can blame us? The public schools have done their best to take the humanity out of history.But at it’s best, history is fascinating anecdotes, remarkable characters, and the evolution of ideas that have shaped civilization. By learning about the past we are able to interpret our own times. We are able to recognize modern prejudices and the nature of humanity.Although history may not help us predict the future, it increases self understanding and awareness. It teaches us the timelessness of ideas and morality.5. PoetryI saved poetry for last because convincing you to take it seriously provides the greatest challenge. Poetry arouses images of Shakespearian actors reciting flowery rhymes. It’s no wonder most people think it lacks substance and applicability.But to maintain this opinion is to ignore one of the great joys of human intelligence and underestimate the mysterious power of words. It’s no coincidence that many languages use the same word for poet and prophet.The reading of great poetry produces a feeling that cannot be adequately described, a feeling of awe and reverence for the power of words. Great poetry is the fusion of music and meaning. It is the medium of humanity’s most ancient masterpieces.Poetry sharpens language skills and develops eloquence. Meaning is only half of great language. The best authors write with a style that is both pleasurable and instructive. An appreciation of poetry is essential for reaching this degree of excellence.ResourcesI can’t make a formal set of recommendations. There are just too many great books and my experience is too limited. How could I presume to know your tastes or area of interest?What I can to do is point out a couple places where you’ll be sure to find something of interest. Anyone who follows this site knows that I’m a whore for the old stuff. Strangely, the internet (combined the with public domain) is the best thing that’s happened to old books since the printing press.Bartleby contains an extensive collection of materials that are well formatted for online reading.Project Gutenberg has almost any old book you could want.Of course there are many other great sites you can find with a quick search. Although these sites aren’t great for longterm reading, they can be used to test out books you might be interested in or fill a few spare minutes with quality reading.If you don’t know where to start, I recommend browsing famous quotations. Once you find an author that resonates, learn more about them.You should never read a book just to be able to say that you’ve read it. Reading all the books in the world won’t make you any smarter unless you think about what you read and apply it to your own existence. You should read for self improvement, not to feel educated and superior.Reading, even the most rigorous intellectual type, should be a labor of love. It might be easier to read lighter books, but the moments of discovery created by challenging books are more pleasurable and exhilarating than any suspense novel.If you make an effort to read more profitably, you’ll be rewarded with wisdom, beauty, and many hours of productive leisure.